
Secure your digital assets with Start your journey to safe and easy crypto management with the world's leading hardware wallet.

What is and how does it differ from the main Trezor website? is a subdomain of the main Trezor website that provides a simplified and streamlined onboarding process for users who are new to using Trezor hardware wallets. It aims to guide users through the setup and initialization of their Trezor device in a user-friendly manner, ensuring they understand the basics of securing their cryptocurrencies.

The main differences between and the main Trezor website are:

  1. Simplicity: offers a more straightforward and easy-to-follow setup process compared to the main website, which may contain more detailed information and resources for experienced users.

  2. Focused Onboarding: The /Start subdomain focuses specifically on the initial setup and usage of Trezor devices, whereas the main website covers a broader range of topics related to cryptocurrency security and Trezor products.

  3. Step-by-Step Guidance: The /Start section provides step-by-step instructions with visual aids to help users set up their Trezor device quickly and efficiently, whereas the main website may offer more comprehensive but potentially overwhelming information.

Overall, serves as a convenient entry point for newcomers to the world of hardware wallets, offering them a smooth and guided experience to get started with their Trezor device.

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